Dancing in Harrogate

Sequence Dancing is an excellent way to keep moving and to keep the brain cells exercised. It is a form of Ballroom Dancing but the steps are arranged in preset sequences so that all the couples move simultaneously. The dances have wonderful names such as the Smoky Quartz Rumba and the Broadway Quickstep. Members will teach beginners and there is a coaching session available on Tuesday evenings before the dance. New members and visitors will be given a warm and friendly welcome. Do come and try it – we love it!

Join us

If you'd like to join us please come along to one of our dances and try it.

Or for more information please contact our Chairperson, Paul Howard - chair@stgeorgesdanceclub.uk
or our Acting Secretary, Paul Staniland - secretary@stgeorgesdanceclub.uk

Please, please, if you feel unwell DO NOT come to dancing.

We must still be prepared to keep our friends safe and well. Please bring your own refreshments and take all your litter home.


Tuesday & Wednesday sessions and occasional Saturdays and Sundays.


Copyright © St George's Dance & Social Club, St George's Road, Harrogate, HG2 9ER

Website by Dales Web Design